The Power of Colors: a Universal Language

Personal Styling Online and In person Bay Area San Francisco California and Miami Florida

Have you ever noticed how a color can impact your style? Your emotions? Your well-being?

Allow me to start a serie of articles on Colors, their meanings and the impact that some colors can have. By reading those articles, you will be able to understand more about the power of colors and how to use them more consciously in your every day life.

Signification and Perception of colors are a very subjective subject as it is shaped by our own experiences, our personal cultural background but also our natural subconscious instinct.

Let’s take a concret example. A sunny day will bring you optimism, a green forest will bring your calm and tranquility… those are subconscious and unconscious reactions to colors. In our modern world, the marketing agency really knows how to use those colors. For example, if I tell you Red in the Food Industry, in most of cases, Coca-Cola will come to your mind and then will provoke some emotions inside you : Power, Energetic, Sugary etc…

As Newton discovered, colors are the reflection of lights. Light is energy, meaning colors are energies. All is energies. No energy is lost but always transformed as Einstein said. Meaning, that we can influence our personal energies through our thoughts, our emotions and our body (Dr Joe Dispenza has shown scientific proofs of this phenomena).

As we have seen colors influence ourselves in a very conscious or unconscious way…. They are then a powerful tool to influence our energies, our being and how we want to be perceived by others. Every day choices of colors come from our subconscious and tells more about ourself than we actually know. And as a result it also has an impact on others.

A color never exists by itself. It is usually in harmony with others. Harmony of colors has also an impact on how you are perseiving something. In nature, all colors are in harmony. It seems natural, authentically showing beauty by itself.

We will learn together the harmony of colors and their signification. As a first step, you need to understand what is your favorite color, which one you dislike the most, which one goes with your skin tone and what is the signification of each color.

In our next articles, I will help you discover all of those themes so you can shine your authentic self with your matching color palette.


Discover your favorite color


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